
On Saturday, May 25, the Alumni Department welcomed the Class of 123, which celebrated its 40th anniversary.

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@AlainDETAPPE, @ThierryHARDION and @PatrickCOSSART (Agriculture, 1984, Beauvais) had organized this promo week-end which brought together over 50 Alumnis and spouses.

Some of them were there on Friday evening to make sure they didn't miss any of the weekend-end action.

After meeting at the Crous for lunch, they were welcomed in the Grand Amphi where Philippe CHOQUET (Agriculture, 1987, Beauvais), the school's director, was waiting to present the evolution of the school they had left 40 years earlier.

The Campus Tour organized by Brice, Goulven and Cyprien, all three students, gave them the opportunity to visit the school, which no longer bears much resemblance to the one they left behind a few years ago.

The evening then moved to Le Grenier, where a cocktail dinner awaited them. The band created by the Alumni was on hand to liven up the evening.

The following day, after a short night's sleep and breakfast, everyone set off on their return journey with many fond memories. For many, the reunion was an opportunity to renew contacts and look forward to seeing each other again soon.

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