
A newsletter that comes out in a rather peculiar context where everyone is confined to their homes, but where we all need to unite to better support each other. So we've been checking in with alumni around the world, and will continue to keep you informed via the website'sNews section, which we'll be relaying to our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.

So if you'd like to give us your news, or support us in a particular action, there's just one address to remember:

On the school side, 70% of courses are still being taught by students. The business continuity plan was triggered as soon as the presidential announcements were made on March 12 and 16, 2020. A general mobilization on all three campuses, enabling teaching continuity to continue as smoothly as possible.

Several events have been cancelled or postponed, and we'll be sure to keep you informed of new dates.

In the meantime, we wish you happy reading and take care!

Alumni News
Teleworking allows us to keep talking about the network!

Strange atmosphere, all behind our PCs, mobile phones tried to get closer to our relatives, work...

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Student / Alumni duodays suspended

As travel will be exceptionally limited during this pandemic context, the school management...

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Campagne de mise à jour de vos coordonnées 2020

Parce qu'il est important que nous gardions le contact que ce soit pour une mise en relation avec...

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Donation of 1,200 FFP2 masks deposited at the Mulhouse hospital.

Pierre-Marie URVOY (Environment, 2003), Regional Director Alsace Lorraine Franche-Comté Coved...

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Régis NOURY (Agriculture, 2006, Beauvais), Director CLAAS Auvergne tells us about his week.

Find daily news of Alumni facing the pandemic: between those who work, telework, confined to their...

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Live from Vietnam, Clémence MARECAILLE (Agriculture, 2017, Beauvais) tells you about her daily life.

Find daily news of Alumni facing the pandemic: between those who work, telework, confined to their...

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In the middle of a road trip, François DOUDOUX-RIO (Environment, 2014) confines himself to the British Virgin Islands (BVI)

Find daily news of Alumni facing the pandemic: between those who work, telework, confined to their...

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Warren CHAUMET (Agriculture, 2011, Rouen) in Laval, gives you some news.

Find daily news of Alumni facing the pandemic: between those who work, telework, confined to their...

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Nicolas PELISSIER (Geology, 2007) tells us the good news for 45-8 Energy

Find daily news of Alumni facing the pandemic: between those who work, telework, confined to their...

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Aline ROUSSEL-LESAGE (Agriculture, 2005, Beauvais) praises the merits of watercress.

In April 2019, Aline ROUSSEL LESAGE (Agriculture, 2005, Beauvais) joined the Innocress team, a...

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Casiers fermiers, vous connaissez ?

Retrouvez une gamme complète de produits fermiers locaux dans un distributeur automatique. Localisé...

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A little reading with the latest book from...

... by Pierrick BOURGAULT (Agriculture, 1985, Beauvais) !

How would you like to immerse yourself in...

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Le site internet UniLaSalle Alumni est la vitrine des Alumni, votre vitrine !

Besoin d'un petit coup de pouce pour plus de visibilité, pour promouvoir l'un de vos projets, pour...

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Institute News
Rencontre avec Sébastien LAURENT-CHARVET, Directeur de l’enseignement et des formations UniLaSalle s

Dès l’annonce des fermetures des écoles et universités par Emmanuel MACRON, UniLaSalle a travaillé...

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Vous les aviez certainement croisés dans le métro...

... retrouvez-les sur le site d'UniLaSalle : ils et elles étudient à UniLaSalle. L'environnement ?...

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Quand la recherche recycle - Campus de Rouen

Instaurée il y a plus de 10 ans, la Journée mondiale du recyclage permet de sensibiliser les...

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La remise des diplômes en vidéo - Campus de Beauvais

Souvenez-vous, le 11 janvier dernier, UniLaSalle fêtait ses 412 nouveaux diplômés du campus de...

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Gery BRUSSART (Agriculture, 1992, Beauvais) intervient auprès des étudiants de 2e année !

Géry BRUSSART (Agriculture, 1992, Beauvais), International Business Developper chez Genes Diffusion...

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