
Nowadays, everyone is adapting to the current context. Between postponed events and those now involving face-to-face and/or remote participants, new organizational methods are emerging. Last Saturday, the Alumni Association's Annual General Meeting was held in person on the Beauvais campus and live on YouTube, with a one-hour delay due to a lack of technology... As time goes by, we're learning to better master these new tools, with a few slip-ups.

As of next week, you'll be able to find on the UniLaSalle Alumni website the composition of the Board of Directors, with its new members and those who are leaving us after having contributed to the development of your network! We'll keep you informed via the News section, and if you've downloaded the mobile app (and we hope you have!), you'll be alerted by the notification, a handy way of keeping up to date with alumni news. And to help you make the most of all the information on your website, your showcase, we look forward to seeing you every Friday for the Friday Tip!

So, see you soon, and enjoy your reading!

Alumni News
Hommage à Christian MONTENAT (Géologie, 1964)

Toute la communauté des géologues est profondément attristée par le décès de Christian MONTENAT...

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Aidez les élèves à trouver leur voie !

Comme vous le savez, il est parfois difficile pour les étudiants de mettre en corrélation formation...

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Les Saint-Eloi et Sainte Marthe reportées au 17 avril 2021

Initialement prévu le samedi 3 octobre 2020, Saint-Eloi et Sainte-Marthe, évènement fédérateur...

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An atypical course between sea and woods...

Trained as a marine geology engineer, Marie GARNIER (née GUIOMAR) (Geology, 2000) chose to...

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Many Alumni present at the Expobiogaz!

On September 2nd and 3rd, the Expo BioGaz exhibition took place in Lille.


The opportunity for...

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Alexandre MARIE (Agriculture, 2009, Rouen) gives you an appointment...

... on September 28 at 5 pm for a Webinar (free registration), organized by Réussir on the outlook...

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The Trait d'Union #397 is available !

Subscribers have already received last week the Trait d'Union #397 whose special feature is...

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Mieux connaître le réseau UniLaSalle Alumni

Afin de vous permettre de mieux connaître le réseau UniLaSalle Alumni, nous vous proposons de...

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Journée des métiers à Rennes le 20 novembre

Pour la première fois, le campus rennais d’UniLaSalle - Ecole des Métiers de l’Environnement...

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Many thanks to Charlotte!

She has spent over seven years working to qualify and animate the Alumni network alongside the...

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Institute News
AgoraJob 2020: see you Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Career Center has just finalized the registrations with 88 companies represented, some of which...

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Junior-entreprises d'UniLaSalle : le trio gagnant !

L'identité Groupe UniLaSalle Projets et son acronyme Groupe UP, regroupe les structures UniLaSalle...

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UniLaSalle de nouveau dans e=M6

Retrouvez UniLaSalle dans le replay de l'emission e=M6 pour un sujet « info-intox » sur des...

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Presentation of the Alumni network in the 1st years

On the Rouen campus, Guillemette GARRY, a plant biology teacher, presented the Alumni network to...

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Les étudiants organisent une journée sur la souveraineté alimentaire et la transition écologique

Sept étudiants de la promotion 160 (parcours CPE) organisent, dans le cadre d’un projet de 5e année...

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Responsable innovation et développement des fermes (H/F)

Chargé(e) de promotion à UniLaSalle, campus de Rennes

Découvrez l'annonce en cliquant ici.

Ludivine GRAFTIAUX (Agriculture, 2010, Beauvais)

Ludivine GRAFTIAUX (Agriculture, 2010, Beauvais) was elected president of ULM - Union laitièrere de...

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Pierre LENFANT (Agriculture, 1984, Rouen)

The Gentleman Rider Club, a club reserved for amateurs in Gallop horse racing, has just appointed ...

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Mark your calendars!
Thursday 08 October

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